Donnerstag, 27. November 2008

Strange Shorts Screening on coming Friday

On coming Friday, 28th of November there will be a StrangeShorts Screening in Exes Pool in Berlin (Wühlischstr. 30, 10245 Berlin (Friedrichshain)) Here a movie to have a preview how it could be this evening:

Dienstag, 25. November 2008

StrangeShorts in Cologne!

...denn am 29.11.08 ist es wieder so weit. Strange Shorts, das Bernsteinzimmer der deutschen Kurzfilmfestivals kehrt ins gleißende Licht der Öffentlichkeit zurück.

Die Wochen im Untergrund, mit all den durchwachten Nächten auf dreckigen Matratzen sind vorbei und das Programm, bearbeitet von Dutzenden Restaurateuren mit kleinen Pinseln und großen Hacken, steht bereit.

Unterschlupf bietet uns einmal mehr Peter in Gottes Grüne Wiese (Bismarckstraße, Belgisches Viertel)

Heidewitzka Herr Kapitän!

Ab 21 Uhr werden hier erneut 10 Kurzfilme im AK 47 Takt aufs Publikum geschossen. YEAH !

Neben den 10 Kurzfilmleckerbissen gehört die unvergleichliche Moderation von Doktor Bomber, Interviews mit den anwesenden Filmemachern und kurzweilige Ratespiele seit jeher zu StrangeShorts wie Wörter, die sich auf das was Uhren machen, reimen.

Also, kommt vorbei, sagt es Freunden, Familien, Vorgesetzen und Bekannten, ach ja und wer wen kennt der jemanden kennt WEITERSAGEN!

Und danach gibts noch nen Maskenball

Mittwoch, 12. November 2008

Barcelona Rivival on coming Saturday (15.11)

Hola my dear Friends,

on coming Saturday, the 15th you are invited to come to the Barcelona Revival Party in my flat (Helsingforser Str. 17).
In fact in is not supposed to be a "normal" Meeting, so i want the evening to feel real BCN, to make it to a real nice theme evening.

So, feel free to open your mind and
- come along with a dress tipico de Catalunya (who likes yellow/red stripes?) and dress as erotico de possibile, haha!
- bring some catalan/spanish recipies/intigrients/food (ill do some Sangria and Boquadillos, hurr!)
- and of course some music (have u ever heard from Vampires Weekend or catalan Rumpa, Ska!)

Anyway, the doors of Helsingforser Palace will open at around 9pm. So, letz dance some Rumpa and enjoy the spirit of drinking Claras and eating tortillas!

...and dance some Polonaise!

Montag, 3. November 2008

Geeting ripped at Reeperbahn

Throw a coin and decide whether we wanna hitchhike or go by train. Yaniv suggested to decide how to go to Hamburg. But finally i rejected. It might not that easy to hitchhike: 2 guys and one heavy backpack - who is supposed to give us a lift? Finally we played safe and shared a weekend ticket with 3 others.

When we arrived in Hamburg we soonish recognized that clocks work differently here. We have been "afraid" by the cold temper of the people over there. So, we tried to make them smile and for sure fooled them a lot. What should we do of not being tracked down by them. But finally nothing helped. The so-called "sound of silence" was everywhere. Anyway, the night came in and we gave it another trial, this time with alcohol, it may heat them up. We just wanted to find a concert, should not be that difficult in here. But nobody could recommend us anything, everybody just was concentrated of going to the well-known red-light area, the Reeperbahn - the Gomorrah plainly. So we went there as well. But after a walk through the Reeperbahn we got fed up soon: too many fucked up people over there: excessively drinking, loudly yelling, aggressively acting. Not for us...not this time!




