Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Yaam Worldpeace Day

We want the immediate stop of all tracing and monitoring! Fight against the consume terror! And for sure WORLDPEACE!

...was the appeal of the Yaam WorldPeaceDay in Berlin. Fuck that was great: Together with Yanif, Agata and Irena we went into the train to Zoologischer Garden to see what the hell is that bunch of costumized people doing... I felt nervous and unsuspecting at the same time.
Anyway, we occupied the train completely. The bass was boosting, we spend kisses and smiles to everyone who wants to get into the train, tried to sell polystyrene letters. To sum up, we collected credits for the world peace. The rules have been very easy:
1. Kiss pedestriants - 1 Point
2. Kiss Police - 10 Points
3. Selling a polystyrene letter - 10 Points
But next to these rules, they have been several tasks which are intended to raise the peoples awareness. So we are supposed to enter the media markt and switch on everything what makes sound, relabeling the H&M clothes price shields to make the sellable for 1.99Euro, protesting for "Tofuschnitzel" inside the McDonnalds and finally show our asses to the direction of the Reichstag.

Finally, i feel something is moving, so letz be part of it!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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